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Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 40 - Chance
THIS TOO IS JOY Best we not seek a predictable day, for life’s meaning is found in the detours Every twist bequeaths its fruit, come what...

Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 41 - Conscience
SHOW ME THE TRUE One hateful comment sparks a hate-filled trend; contagion grows in righteous fury spires. One love-response to the hate...

Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 42 - Challenge
MOTHER DEER A nature photo caught my heart today Mother deer, split-second before leopard’s teeth Serene because her two fawns had run...

Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 43 - Call
FROM NIGHT TO LIGHT I found more comfort in control than trust Protecting my self-interest like a hawk I counted the world unsafe and...

Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 44 - Commitment
STEP UP If, when God asks for more than is convenient, And claims some of the downtime of your day, What depth will you reveal in your...

Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 45 - Gifts
OSCAR ROMERO Romero was appointed archbishop To toe the line in poor San Salvador Everyone thought he’d keep low and kiss up To the...

Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 46 - Gaps
HUMBLE SCRAPS I just spent twenty minutes with head bowed down, seeking my God in contemplative prayer. But mind hopped around like a...

Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 47 - Growth
NO ONE MOMENT There was no one moment when I found myself. Just a two-forward, one-back together-walk with God. Words from soul; book...

Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 48 - Grace
HAL LANCE’S SONG A stroke cost Hal facility to speak Except in raspy, out-of-kilter blurts Each step confessed a hard-won new technique...

Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 49 - Fire
MISSIONARY'S EULOGY We stand by your casket– remains of the Earth Your life just a memory– carried treasure For forty years you stayed,...

Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 50 - Fuel
CHRISTMAS IN ME One day, my Dad led my siblings and me (With mist from our lungs afloat in cold air) Up hill, toboggan-swoosh, in search...

Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 51 - Fear
FEAR’S REPLY Does your life-light shine bright into the darkness? Or is it blocked by the sum of all your fears? Never let doubts be...

Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 52 - Faith
THE MOMENT IS NOW The moment is now. The onslaught’s begun Come fast to the breach, come shore up the line Take the flag, take the lead,...
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