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Tom Mohr
Episode 52-- Faith
Podcast Summary: In this final podcast of Tom Mohr's 52-week series, Mohr brings it all back to the beginning– faith. In our faith we...

Tom Mohr
Episode 51-- Fear
Podcast Summary: In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr reflects upon the fears we can experience as we seek to live out lives of goodness....

Tom Mohr
Episode 50-- Fuel
Podcast Summary: In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr reflects upon the need of leaders to draw in resources in pursuit of a heavenly...

Tom Mohr
Episode 49-- Fire
Podcast Summary: In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr reflects on the passion that can arise in our souls when we know with utter...

Tom Mohr
Episode 48-- Grace
Podcast Summary: In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr reflects upon the power of God’s grace to unlock and transform us– so that we may be...

Tom Mohr
Episode 47-- Growth
Podcast Summary: In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr reminds us that in our work to follow God’s call, God will guide us and help us...

Tom Mohr
Episode 46-- Gaps
Podcast Summary: In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr shares the story of Elyse Vandersteen. With Elyse's permission and encouragement,...

Tom Mohr
Episode 45-- Gifts
Podcast Summary: In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr shares stories of rising leaders who have given their gifts in service of goodness...

Tom Mohr
Episode 44-- Commitment
Podcast Summary: In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr offers inspiration to continue to pursue your call, especially at those times when...

Tom Mohr
Episode 43-- Call
Podcast Summary: In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr encourages you to deeply experience the call God has whispered into your heart. And...

Tom Mohr
Episode 42-- Challenge
Podcast Summary: In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr offers encouragement to hear God’s challenge, issued uniquely to you– and to respond...

Tom Mohr
Episode 41-- Conscience
Podcast Summary: In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr reflects on the guiding hand of our consciences, helping nudge us towards God’s call...

Tom Mohr
Episode 40-- Chance
Podcast Summary: In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr reflects on how the chance events of our lives can turn everything we know upside...

Tom Mohr
Episode 38-- Community: Race
In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr tells a story from his youth that gave him a new perspective on race and equality. We are all equal...

Tom Mohr
Episode 39-- Community: Charity
In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr reflects on God’s call to serve. In our neighborhoods, communities, cities, in our nation and across...

Tom Mohr
Episode 37- Church: Discipleship
In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr reflects on our shared call to become disciples. In that capacity, we work to nudge our churches...

Tom Mohr
Episode 36 -- Church Encounter
In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr reflects on the Church at its heart– which must always be Jesus’ love. And he encourages rising...

Tom Mohr
Episode 35 -- Social Sustainability
In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr puts a spotlight on the need for rising leaders to mobilize support for all those impacted by climate...

Tom Mohr
Episode 34 -- Economic Sustainability
In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr shares why it will be the work of rising leaders to reorganize our economic incentives to support...

Tom Mohr
Episode 33 -- Environmental Sustainability
In this 10-minute podcast, Tom Mohr offers up a challenge to rising leaders to become a contribution in the global push towards...
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