I live with my wife, Pageen, in Orono, MN; we attend Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church in Medina. We have two grown children– Dr. Mary Catherine Mohr, and Jack Mohr (married to Ellie). These three millennials I love so much and know so well give me great hope about our future. They embrace the best values of their generation.
For those who know me at all, most know me for my five business books (Scaling the Revenue Engine, People Design, Funding & Exits, The Fit Systems Enterprise and The Four-Way Fit). I’m a former president of a Fortune 500 subsidiary; I founded a moderately successful tech startup. Today I serve as a business coach to tech company CEOs.
But business is just one facet of my life. Christian, husband, father, sibling, friend, neighbor, musician, American citizen, global citizen– all of these roles are also part of who I am. For me, “child of God” is my most important role. I seek to know God’s will in my life, and to follow it as best I can. This is what led me to write the letters and songs to leaders that make up The Rising Leader Series (released throughout 2022). I want to encourage leaders worldwide to heed the call, prepare their hearts and then go forth to love and serve the world.
The world is in deep hunger. Humanity desperately needs strong Christian leaders to step forward. As our planet, democracy, communities, neighborhoods, churches and families fall into crisis, Jesus searches for servant leaders who will respond. Will we heed Jesus’ call? Will good Christian leaders rise up and stand in the gap? As Fredrick Buechner once said, “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”
As a 66 year old baby boomer, I feel our generation bears responsibility for much of the shallowness and selfishness that defines our age. Boomers must begin to follow or step aside; Gen Xers must make room. The time has come for the next generation of leaders to rise.
I’ve been privileged to spend a lot of time with rising leaders, in part through my advisory work with technology company CEOs. In fact, I’ve written five books on the subject of leadership. I’m convinced Jesus calls out now to this new generation of leaders. But first, He requires preparation-- to do the interior work necessary to become His hands and feet in the world.
This is why I have decided to launch The Rising Leader Series. In these weekly letters and monthly songs, I will call out to leaders to first bring their hearts to God and then their gifts to a hurting world.
NOTE: This Rising Leader Series is not intended as a profit-making venture. I share it as a challenge to leaders to open themselves, by God’s love, to transformation into servant leaders ready to stand in the gap.